Get the most out of your energy data
Your Guide to Watts On™

The forecast and expected data change based on the selected range, Day/Week/Month. Forecast is based on the monthly calculated forecast for the location of that period. Expected shows an updated calculation based on the received value up until now.
Last 7 days performance vs forecast. Unfilled circles indicate missing data.
Pressing the tile will bring up a detailed performance page (Premium feature)
Heating utilization
The bare shows how your location perform in terms of received vs returned water temperatures. In case of bad results, contact your provider.
The gauge visually represents your performance for the selected period. The color coding indicates the comparison to the forecast: Green: Below forecast Yellow: Slightly above forecast Red: More than 30% above forecast
You can swipe left/right to switch between Electricity, Water and Heating insights
Location selector
Pressing the Watts logo or location name, will open the location selector.
Location selector opens an overview of all locations and the meter status. You can also add more locations from this page.
Highest & lowest icons
Icons located on top of graph elements, to indicate hours with the highest and lowest prices and CO2 levels. Leaf: Lowest CO2 hour of the day Heart: Lowest price hour of the day Skull: Highest CO2 and price hour of the day
Electricity prices now
Shows the current spot price of electricity. The graph shows the cost of electricity per hour of the day. Low-cost hours are represented by a green bar, high-cost by grey bars. Heart icon indicates the cheapest hour of the day. Skull icon shows the most expensive hour.
The icon indicate what utility type you are watching. Lightning for electricity, Drop for water and Pipe for district heating.
The numbers in the middle of the amulet describes your current consumption for the selected Day, Week or Month.
Your forecast for the current Day, Week or Month.
Indicating your current performance vs forecast. The percentage displayed indicates your deviation from the forecast based on the selected data range.
Watts forecast
This feature shows the lowest and highest energy prices for the day. A dot indicates your forecasted average purchase price, displayed on the graph. The green bar represents the number of hours during which energy prices are below average. A longer green bar indicates more hours of cheaper energy available throughout the day. The total projected energy cost for the day is provided to help plan your energy consumption efficiently.
Amulet info minimizes
When the page is scrolled up, the Amulet info minimizes at the top. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
Live page access
LIVE card owners has access to a page that gives realtime insights into the locations consumption and production of electricity.
Non-LIVE users will be met with an incentive to buy the card.
Utility Icons
Icons for the 3 utility types in the app: electricity, district heating and water.
Add Your Meter
Once you have selected the utility type, click the Add Meter button, in order to start the process of adding a price plan to your location.
Delete an existing plan
In order to delete a price plan, you simply swipe left on the element, until a red trashcan icon is shown. Press the trashcan to delete the entry.
Top menu
Location : Press to open the location overview page and switch between multiple locations. Bell : Notification centre - press it to open the message & notification page. Day : Select the data range for the page. Your performance numbers will change based on the interval selected. (Day, Week, Month, Year)
Notifications list
Your notifications are displayed here and shows the latest at the top It states when it happened and for what location. The icon shows the type and severity the notification has.
Average price plan
This price plan is only used if you do not have the information about which price plan is in use.
Menu page
Pressing the button in the lower right corner, brings up the menu page.
The navigation buttons grants you access to the main pages. The text on the menu page are quick links to various places in the app.
Press the cogwheel (top right corner) to open the settings page.
The top element contains messages from Watts. These can be highlights, promotions, warnings etc. Some of these can be closed by pressing the x in the corner, others are important and will stay until its removed by Watts. As long as there is a message in this element, a yellow marker will be displayed on the bell icon in the top bar across the app.
Price Plan Fixed
When selecting the Fixed option, you need to input the agreed cost of electricity for the location. Note that this is without Tax and Transport.
Notification triggers
This is the list of the users notification rules. At the bottom of this page, you can add new rules.
Price Plan Variable
When selecting the Variable option, you are expected to input the markup cost your provider charge you per kWh received electricity.
Create notification
Select the type of notification you want to create from the list and follow the instructions to set your desired levels.
Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu lets you select which page to view: Insight, Price, Consumption, Homegrid, Settings. It also opens the shortcuts menu, which hosts the Settings access among other things.
Setup price plan
In order to add a price plan to your location start by selecting the type of utility. Choose between electricity, heat, and water. A price plan will give you personal pricing, which also impacts your consumption calculations. *Water and heat is not available in all areas.
Price plan start date
It is important the start date is set for when your price plan went/goes into effect. It is used to show pricing on the History page.
Average price
Enter the total cost of electricity you want to base calculation on. This should include tax and transport.
Notification details
Here you can set if the rule should be active, at what level you want to be notified or delete the rule.
Add notifications
Press the button to add a new notification rule.
The following pages will guide you through the process.
Notification settings
Press the icon to bring up the settings of notifications and the possibility to add new.
Add new plan
If the chosen location has an active meter, you can create a price plan by pressing the "Add New Plan".
Markup cost
For variable price plans, there is a cost per kWh, that impact the totals on the History page. Enter only the part that is paid on top of the cost of electricity, transport and tax.
Price Plan Options
Select the type of price plan you have. Fixed is a flat price no matter the time of day. Variable is following the spot prices and lastly an average price option is available. If you do not know which one you have on the location, please contact your provider.
Received details
Pressing a bar, brings up detailed info about this specific period. With forecast on, hour and day bars will display the weather info, which have an impact on prices and consumption.
Pressing one of the disaggregation bars, will colour the vertical bars to indicate how much this choice represents. Variable are devices started and stopped by a user. Basic is the consumption the location will always have to run its basic services.
Press the chart to see info for one selected bar.
6,5 kWh : Shows total kWh/Kr/CO2 for the selected hour/day
Add meter
At the bottom of the meter page, usuers can add additional meters to the location. These include electricity, water, heating and manual meters.
Disaggregation graph
Shows the part of the received electricity that comes from variable sources at the location.
Manual meter graph
All readings the user enters for a manual meter can be viewed en a graph that presents the historic consumption.
Cost details
When holding on a bar, additional info about the cost is shown (if the bar represents an hour or day). If Forecast is OFF, the price breakdown is shown. If Forecast is ON, weather info is shown. Bars that represent weeks or months do not show info!
Unit Switch
Switch between kWh, CO2 and Kr data - where available
Solar production details
The graph represents your shared electricity production for the selected period. Orange: Solar production shared with the grid Grey: Electricity consumption
Add meter
If you have not registered a meter, you will be met with a page prompting you to add one.
Received amount
19,5 kWh : Shows the total received amount of electricity for the selected period. Similar is available for heating and water. Bars show the amount of kWh/m3 the location has used for each given hour/day/week/month.
Manual meter readings
A list of all historic readings are shown in a ledge for manual meters. Date, reading and calculated consumption is listed.
Utility Switch
Switch between electricity, district heating and water consumption data
Received with forecast
'Forecast' toggles colours to your consumption bars, indicating if the location was under or above the forecast.
Meters overview
Each location can have several meters attached The overview presents forecast number, consumption last year and current status. Manual meters has an “Add reading” button to enter readings. Meters overview is accessed from the Meta Menu.
Homegrid plan
Shows what the Homegrid controller is doing at this moment and when it will change state. Pressing this tile will open the list of plans that is scheduled.
Charge details
Shows how much was stored on the battery and the source.
Homegrid DAY
Shows accumulated production of the day until now.
Shows the total power usage for the day until now.
Shows the charge amount until now.
Shows the exchange value with the grid until now.
Battery charge graph
The graph shows when and how much charging and discharging took place during the day.
Production details
Shows the locations production for the day and where it was sent.
Homegrid plan: Preservation
Homegrid is holding power on the battery and instead pull from the grid. This is done to have enough power for high cost periods.
Exchange graph
The graph show when and how much electricity was received from the grid (black) or shared with the grid (orange).
Usage graph
Shows where electricity consumption originated from: Green = From battery Yellow = From solar Black = Fromt grid
Discharge details
Shows how much of the power on the battery was used at the location or shared with the grid.
Savings all time
Shows the locations savings since installation of the HG controller. It measures kWh usage at each hour and calculates the cost if all were received from the grid. Pressing this tile will open the performance graph and details.
Battery State of Charge graph
This graph show the state of charge during the day.
Savings this period
Shows savings last 7 days, compared to having no production and Homegrid controller.
Homegrid plan: Assistive charge
Homegrid will assist your solar power to fill up the battery when prices are low.
Homegrid graph
The green line shows your location's electricity costs over time.The black line represents the same consumption, but without solar panels and homegrid.The gray line represents if the location had only solar panels.
Exchange details: Received
Shows details of received electricity if it was used at the location or stored on the battery for later use.
Homegrid flow
The Homegrid logo (in the center) can be pressed to switch between live and daily view (until now).
Shows the current production.
Shows the current consumption.
Shows the current charge or discharge.
Shows the delta consumption. Grid consumption minus own production.
Homegrid Freeze mode
When in freeze mode ("Day" is selected), swiping left/right on the first page, will change the values to be yesterdays summarised full day values, or the next 24 hours. Clicking the box (Sun, House, Battery, Grid) will open the detailed graph pages.
Exchange details: Shared
Shows how much electricity was shared with the grid and how it was shared.
Energy sources
Shows the total kWh that was used during the day and where it came from.
Homegrid plan: Assistive discharge
The controller focus on using power on the battery, to make room for own production. This is either by allocating to the locations usage or sharing it with the grid when prices are high.
Homegrid plan: Active standby
Homegrid is passing control to your inverter and is monitoring battery operation according to your production and consumption.
Production graph
The graph show when production took place during the day. You can see todays and yesterdays graph when in freeze mode.
Price breakdown
This element shows the distribution of the total electricity price, which consists of three main components:
Electricity price – cost per kWh (spot price from Nordpool) and surcharge to your electricity supplier is included here if you have created a price plan.
Grid costs – includes payment for transport to your local grid company as well as other grid costs, including system tariff, balance tariff and transmission grid tariff.
Tax – government taxes.
Note: The graph does not include any subscriptions with your electricity supplier or grid company.
The total price per kWh is calculated as:
Electricity price per hour + grid costs + taxes to the government
All prices shown include VAT (except for negative spot prices).
Price graph
Indicates most expensive time of day.
Indicates the cheapest time of day.
The circle indicates current pricing period (hour). Hold on the graph to select other times and the price will be indicated in top right corner Swipe left and right to view prices on different days.
CO2 disaggregated info
Shows the sources of electricity, which has an impact on the CO2 levels.
Price info
Below Price the time of the selected hour is shown including day and date. Add a price plan to adjust prices to reflect your personal cost of electricity. If no plan is added, the prices shown are raw prices including tax and transport.
Price delta
When viewing cost of different hours than the current hour, the difference is shown below the cost. The date info shows what hour you are viewing.
CO2 graph
Colours of the bars reflect that its showing CO2 levels and not prices. Skull icon indicates the hour/day with most CO2. Leaf icon indicated the hour/day with the least CO2.
Add personal price plan
When you create a personal price plan, the app will display electricity prices specific to your location. The price includes all taxes, transportation costs, and surcharges applicable to your electricity contract.
Price graph detail
Press on a price bar to view detailed information for that specific hour. This allows you to see the exact price at any given time.
Kr/CO2 switch
Selector to switch between Prices and CO2 values for electricity. Its located in the top right corner of the Price page
CO2 info
Shows you the date and time of the CO2 emissions being viewed.
Amulet Live
The three parts of the circle represents the three phases at your location. The length of each shows how much is being received/delivered on it. A well balanced location would show three equally long lines. Black line : The phase is receiving power from the grid Orange line : The phase is delivering power to the grid. The number in the middle of the amulet, shows how much power is being received or delivered from/to the grid
Current per phase
L1, L2 and L3 are the three phases at the location. The number in the tile shows how many amps are drawn on that phase. Standard locations have 25 amps.
L1, L2 and L3 are the three phases at the location. Each show the voltage on the phase.
Received today
Shows how much power has been received from the grid during the day.
A graph that updates every 5 seconds, showing the delta value for power changes at the location. Max 12 values are shown. The graph starts collection data when you open the LIVE page.
Phases at location
Below the amulet, the three phases are shown with their current status. Black house icon indicates the phase is receiving power. Orange house icon indicates the phase is delivering power to the grid.
Effect graph
Shows power data in 5 minute intervals for the last 24 hours. Black : Received power Orange : Shared power
Shared today
Shows how much power has been delivered to the grid. This box is only visible if you have production at the location.
Version Information
Please make sure your app is updated to at least the version listed, to ensure compliance with the information provided.